Research Interests
- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical modelling
- High performance computing
- Finite element method, adaptive mesh refinement
- Tectonics, crustal deformation, rock rheology.
- Incompressible Stokes flow
- Meshless methods
Academic background
- June 2015 - ...: Assistant Professor at the University of Utrecht, Department of Earth Sciences, The Netherlands.
- Jan 2012 - June 2015 : Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Utrecht, Department of Earth Sciences, The Netherlands.
- March. 2011 - Dec 2011: Researcher at the Bergen University, Department of Earth Sciences, Norway.
- Jan. 2008 - Jan. 2011 : Postdoc at the Bergen University, Department of Earth Sciences, Norway.
- Nov. 2005 - Nov. 2007: Postdoc at Géosciences Rennes, Université Rennes1 (France), Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada).
- Sept. 2004 - Sept. 2005: Assistant researcher at the Groupe Matiere Condensée et Matériaux, Université Rennes1 (France).
- 2004: Thermodynamically consistent fluid particle modelling of phase separating mixtures. Ph.D. Thesis financed by ICOPAC within the European Commission's 5th Framework Improving Human Potential programme. University of Groningen (The Netherlands), University of Madrid (Spain).
- 2000: DEA ATIAM (M.Sc.) : Applying acoustics, signal processing and computer science to music. IRCAM, Paris (France)
- Subjects : mathematics, signal processing, computer science, room acoustics, music instruments acoustics, psychoacoustics, lectures on music research.
- 1999: Magistère (B.Sc.) in fundamental physics, obtained with honours.University Paris XI, Orsay (France).
- Subjects of the first year : mathematics, quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical physics, computer science, electronics, astrophysics, practicals, and lectures on general science.
- Subjects of the second year : atoms and molecules, optics and lasers, fluid mechanics, plasmas, experimental physics, nuclei and particles, condensed matter physics, astrophysics, statistical physics.
- 1997: D.E.U.G. MIAS (Mathematiques et Informatique Appliquees aux Sciences) obtained with honours. University Paris XI, Orsay (France).
- Subjects of the first and second years: mathematics, computer science, classical mechanics, optics, electromagnetism, acoustics, chemistry.
- 1995: French Baccalaureat, major in physics and mathematics, obtained with honours. Etampes (France).
- Programmeren en Modelleren. (32h), Utrecht University, 2012-2013-2014
- Differentiaal Vergelijkingen In de Aardwetenschappen. (48h), Utrecht University (2012)
- Méthodes mathématiques et algorithmiques pour la Physique. University of Rennes1, France (2004).
- Langage C et algorithmique. University of Rennes1, France (2004).
- Introduction a UNIX/Linux et Fortran90. University of Rennes1, France (2004).
- Physical transport phenomena lectures for third and fourth year students (mass and heat transfer, rheology basics, flows and dimensionless numbers). University of Groningen (2000-2004).
- Supervision of practicals : conversion of saccharose, mixing and scaling-up, University of Groningen (2000-2004).
- Coaching of students during graduation project internships, University of Groningen (2000-2004).
- Private lessons in mathematics and physics (1995-2004).