- Finite Element code
- Iso-parametric mapping
- Thermo-mechanically coupled (incompressible Stokes + energy conservation equations)
- Quadrilateral/hehahedral and triangular/tetrahedral elements
- Many mixed finite element discretisation (Q1P0,Q1P0-stab,Q2Q1,Q3Q2,Q2P-1,Q1Q1-stab,MINI,Crouzeix-Raviart,...)
- 2D and 3D, Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical domains
- ASCII and vtu output
- ALE formulation, large deformation
- Coupled to FastScape (surface processes code)
- Elasto-visco-plastic rheology
- Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient applied to Schur complement.
- Inner solve with preconditioned conjugate gradients or direct solver MUMPS
- material memory: strain softening and weakening
- vertical and horizontal grid stretching
- shear heating
- Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin formulation for heat equation
- advanced pressure smoothing scheme
- marker-in-cell
- 1st, 2nd or 4th Runge-Kutta in space marker advection, higher order methods
- residual visualisation
- predefined geological rocks (olivine, quartz, ...)
- very easy to install and really user friendly
- Fortran90 language
ELEFANT has been extensively benchmarked
- SolCx, SolKz, SolVi
- Lid-driven cavity
- 2D/3D Stokes sphere
- Free surface (Crameri et al., GJI, 2012)
- Convection in 2D Cartesian domain (Blankenbach et al., GJI, 1989)
- Convection in 3D Cartesian domain (Busse et al., Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 1993)
- Indenter/punch problem (Thieulot et al, JGR, 2008)
- Poiseuille flow in 2D and 3D
- Flexure of elastic plate
- Sinking cube (Thieulot, PEPI, 2011)
- Onset of convection
- Nonlinear channel flow
- Crustal extension (Spiegelman et al., G3, 2016)
- Subduction (Schmeling et al., PEPI, 2008)
- Rayleigh-Taylor instability (van Keken et al., JGR, 1997)
- Viscoplastic thermal convection in a 2-D square box (Tosi et al., Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 2015)
- ...
In the peer-reviewed literature:
- Lithosphere erosion and continental breakup: interaction of extension, plume upwelling and melting,
A. Lavecchia, C. Thieulot, F. Beekman, S. Cloetingh and S. Clark, E.P.S.L. 467, p89-98, 2017.
- A Comparison of Numerical Models of Brittle Thrust Wedges ,
S.J.H. Buiter, T. Gerya, B. Kaus, W. Landry, L. le Pourhiet, D. May, Y. Mishin,
D. Egholm, M. Albertz, M. Cooke, T. Crook, L. Hodkinson, B. Maillot, L. Moresi, G. Schreurs,
C. Thieulot, P. Souloumiac, Ch. Beaumont, Journal of Structural Geology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2016.03.003, 2016.
- A community benchmark for viscoplastic thermal convection in a 2-D square box ,
N. Tosi, C. Stein, L. Noack, C. Huettig, P. Maierova, H. Samuel, D.R. Davies, C.R. Wilson, S.C. Kramer, C. Thieulot,
A. Glerum, M. Fraters, W. Spakman, A. Rozel, P.J. Tackley, to Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 16,
doi:10.1002/2015GC005807, 2015.
Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 1. Oceanic detachment fault inversion and the formation of supra-subduction zone ophiolites,
M. Maffione, C. Thieulot, D.J.J. van Hinsbergen, A. Morris, O. Pluemper and W. Spakman, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 16,
p1753-1770, 2015.
In posters and oral presentations:
- Revisiting the factors which control the angle of shear bands in geodynamic numerical models of brittle deformation,
C. Thieulot, EGU meeting, Vienna, April 2017.
- Oblique trenches and temperature in subduction zones,
A. Plunder, C. Thieulot, W. Spakman and D.J.J. van Hinsbergen,
AGU meeting, San Francisco, December 2016.
- The effect of oblique trenches on temperature in subduction zones,
A. Plunder, C. Thieulot, W. Spakman and D.J.J. van Hinsbergen,
GeoMod conference, October 2016, Montpellier.
- Oblique trenches and temperature in subduction zones,
L. Schuurmans, A. Plunder, C. Thieulot, W. Spakman and D.J.J. van Hinsbergen,
EGU meeting, Vienna, April 2016.
- Lithosphere erosion and breakup due to the interaction between extension and plume upwelling,
A. Lavecchia, C. Thieulot, F. Beekman, S. Cloetingh and S.R. Clark,
NAC conference, Veldhoven 2016.
- Numerical modelling of salt diapirism during thin-skinned extension,
C. Thieulot and G. Harms,
NAC conference, Veldhoven 2016.
- A numerical model setup for subduction: From linear viscous to thermo-mechanical rheologies,
M. Quinquis, S. Buiter, N. Tosi, C. Thieulot, P. Maierová, and J. Quinteros,
poster, EGU meeting, Vienna, April 2013.
- Influence of heterogeneities within the lithosphere on the deformation pattern of continental rift systems,
M. Philippon, C. Thieulot, J. van Wijk, D. Sokoutis, E. Willingshofer, and S. Cloetingh,
poster, EGU meeting, Vienna, April 2013.
- Mechanics of brittle transpressional wedges: constraints from complementary analogue and numerical modelling
K. Leever, C. Thieulot, O, Oncken
poster, AGU fall meeting 2012.
- Origin of sigma3 re-orientation during oblique magma-assisted rifting.
M. Philippon, G. Corti, F. Sani, D. Sokoutis, E. Willingshofer, C. Thieulot
poster, AGU fall meeting 2012.
- Control of initial heterogeneities and boundary conditions on the deformation partitioning of continental rift: a comparison between Rio Grande Rift and Main Ethiopian Rift.
C. Thieulot, M. Philippon, D. Sokoutis, J. van Wijk, E. Willingshofer, S. Cloetingh
poster, AGU fall meeting 2012.